Radosław Wach
dr hab. inż.
Affiliation at
I34, Institute of Applied Radiation Chemistry – Faculty of Chemistry
About me
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/radoslaw-wach-63b94b1/
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Radoslaw-Wach
- NCN OPUS (2024-2028): 'Nowe biopolimerowe nanonośniki radioizotopów do teranostyki czerniaka, otrzymywane za pomocą techniki radiacyjnej" (New biopolymer nanocarriers of radioisotopes, obtained using radiation technology, for melanoma theranostics) (OPUS-25: UMO-2023/49/B/ST5/01191, 3 partners) - wykonawca (researcher);
- NCBiR (2022-2024): CaPReCon - 'Cartilage Protection and Regeneration Consortium' (ENM3/IV/6/CaPreCon/2021, 3 partners of Canada, France and Poland) - wykonawca (researcher);
- M.Era.NET (2020-2023): AnBaCo – "Antibacterial Coatings Containing Carbon Nanoparticles Obtained by Sol-Gel Method" (M-Era.NET2/2019/3/2020, 3 partners) - główny wykonawca, kierownik zadania (principal investigator, Work Package leader)
- NCBiR (2020-2023): "Opracowanie opatrunku wchłanialnego na bazie aktywnego tropokolagenu egzogennego ze skór rybich z dodatkiem zmodyfikowanych nanoproszków węgla" (Absorbable wound dressing based on active egzogenic tropocollagen obtained from fish skin supplemented with carbon nanoparticles) (POIR.04.01.04-00-0077/20, 3 partners) - główny wykonawca, kierownik zadania (principal investigator, Work Package leader)
- NCBiR (2022): Custom ITAP – "Projektowanie i wytwarzanie spersonalizowanych implantów medycznych" (POIR.04.01.04-00-0058/17-00) – wykonawca (researcher)
- H2020 (2017-2020): Optogenerapy – 'Optogenetic Protein Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis' (H2020-NMBP-2016-720694-2, 10 partners); https://optogenerapy.eu/ - kierownik zespołu polskiego, kierownik zadania (leader of Polish team, Work Package leader)'
- FP7 (2013-2017): BIP-UPy – 'Bioactive Implantable Polymers based on UreidoPyrimidinone' (FP7 MNP3-LA-2012-310389, 11 partners) - koordynator techniczny projektu, kierownik zespołu polskiego, kierownik zadania (Scientific and Technical coordinator of the project; leader of Polish team, Work Package leader);
- NCN Preludium (2013-2016): "Wpływ promieniowania jonizującego na kopolimery PTMC-co-PLA" 'Effects of ionizing radiation on biodegradable synthetic polymers' (UMO-2012/05/N/ST5/01869) - wykonawca (researcher)
- FP7: (2007-2011) NerveRegeneration – 'Nerve Guidance Channels Based on Synthetic Polymer-Polysaccharide Biomaterials' (Marie Curie MIRG-CT-2007-206269) International Reintegration Grant - beneficjent (beneficiary);
- FP6 (2007-2011): CustomIMD – 'SME Supply Chain Integration for Enhanced Fully Customisable Medical Implants, Using New Biomaterials and Rapid Manufacturing Technologies, to Enhance the Quality of Life for EU Citizens' (FP6 Integrated Project NMP3-CT-2007-026599, 20 partners) - główny wykonawca (principal investigator, work package leader)
Współautor ponad 50 publikacji, które były cytowane ponad 1900 razy (wg Scopus, bez autocytowań); współautor siedmiu patentów; współautor ponad 150 wystąpień na konferencjach i seminariach, w tym wykładów na zaproszenie (m.in. Gordon Conference on Radiation Chemistry; Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry); współautor najczęściej cytowanego artykułu w Radiation Physics and Chemistry w latach 2005-2010 (2005, Degradation of chitosan and sodium alginate by gamma radiation, sonochemical and ultraviolet methods)
- Miller Trust for Radiation Chemistry, Committee Member and Secretary;
- Polish Chitin Society, member of the Board;
- Polish Society of Radiation Research, member of the Board and Secretary of Lodz branch;
- Polish Society of Biomaterials, memeber;
- Polish Meteorite Society, member;
- Polish Centre for Testing and Certification (PCBC, notified body no. 1434), expert for sterilization;
- Technical Committee for Sterilization no. 295 of Polish Committee for Standardization (PKN), member
- M.Sc. Chem. Technology (polymers), Lodz University of Technology, TUL Poland, 1997;
- Ph.D. Chemical Engineering (radiation, polysaccharides), Gunma University, Japan, 2002;
- D.Sc. discipline of chemistry, chemical engineering, technology of food and nutrition, Lodz University of Technology, TUL Poland, 2024;
- Postgraduate studies ‘R&D project management’, Gdynia Maritime University, Poland;
- Postgraduate studies ‘Intellectual Property’, Maria Sklodowska-Curie University, Poland;
- Postgraduate studies: ‘Biomaterials – materials for medicine’, AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland.